Every Moment is Sacred
Learn to embrace interruptions. They are opportunities to serve and love people.
We had just bowed our heads to pray, thanking God for the good and bad that had happened that day. I sensed movement as our server passed our table, turning and waiting behind a pole several feet away.
As I said “Amen” and looked up, he returned with our drinks and said, “I never want to interrupt a sacred moment.”
Without thinking too much, I replied, "They're all sacred."
He paused and acknowledged that fact. Then it hit me: every moment is sacred.
Every day, from wakefulness to sleep, sunrise to sunset, is a sacred moment.
Each is a gift given but once; irreplaceable and precious because there will never be another like it.
We are so quick to waste time, squandering our inheritance as did the son who demanded, “I want my share of your estate before you die,” from his father in Luke 15.
We cannot waste time without injuring eternity.
Tomorrow will be a new day in your business. Your choices will reflect your priorities: are you adding value by serving others or seeking the best for yourself?
Today is the gift you prayed for yesterday.
Right now is a sacred moment.
Be in the moment, grateful and expectant. Give your attention to what is around you—your wife, your children, your family, your co-workers—life itself.
This moment will be given only once. Don’t squander it.
Lord, help me make the most of every moment and understand the value of time.
The new edition of Essential: A 30-Day Devotional for Faith-Driven Professionals is now available. Get your copy on Amazon in paperback or ebook.
The first edition got reviews like this:
“Brian Sooy grasps what it means to be essential. Our work is not who we are, but it is one of the biggest we glorify God and achieve purpose in this world. Each chapter is an easy read, but it still sticks with you throughout the workday. Most importantly - it is rooted in scripture. This sits on my desk at work, and I just continue to go through it because it gives us a reminder that we all need.”