Six Traits for Influence and Leadership
When wisdom shows up, be prepared to accept what she offers.
Ansel Adams was fond of saying, “Chance favors the prepared mind,” a variation of a quote by Louis Pasteur:
“Dans les champs de l’observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés,” or en englais : “In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.”
Pasteur was a microbiologist and scientist who invented pasteurization (the process that keeps milk and other beverages fresh and tasty). Adams was a photographer who captured images of the American Wilderness in the 20th century.
Both Adams and Pasteur were keen observers of the world around them.
But were they observers of the people who surrounded them?
Observing takes time. Becoming a leader requires observation, experience, and time. When we watch, listen, and apply what we learn from admired leaders, time reveals the value of the insights we glean.
When I graduated from college, I thought I knew it all. Decades later, I’m still learning—with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that has grown over time.
Are you prepared to invest the time required to become a wise leader?
The book of Proverbs teaches us that leaders love wisdom, are guided by wisdom, and stay focused on wisdom.
In the language of leadership: Observe to learn, reflect to understand, follow to lead.
I’m often encouraged by Proverbs 4, where the writer of Proverbs speaks of the benefits of being prepared by observing, listening, and practicing the wisdom he teaches his child.
“Listen to your father’s discipline, and pay attention in order to gain understanding…”
“Acquire understanding with all that you have…”
“Listen and accept my words…”
“Open your ears to what I say…”
“Do not lose sight of these things. Keep them deep within your heart…”
“Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your sight be focused in front of you.”
This passage best summarizes these truths:
“Acquire wisdom.
Acquire understanding.
Do not forget. (emphasis mine)
Do not turn away from the words that I have spoken.
Do not abandon wisdom, and it will watch over you.
Love wisdom, and it will protect you.”
— excerpted from Proverbs 4, GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Observing begins with your eyes and ears. Reflecting engages your mind. Acting upon what you observe and understand into practice calls your heart to action and your soul to commitment.
Three practices with one direction: Love. Follow. Focus.
Over the course of your life, as you explore a career and calling, you’ll be attracted to certain leaders and repulsed by others. What makes you want to follow some and run from others? Who inspires you, and who demotivates you?
What Defines Leadership?
If you could define one key aspect that defines leadership, what would it be?
“Leadership is influence.”
Who you are as a leader is revealed by your character. Who you become as a leader affects how you value relationships. You can’t afford to get the foundation of your leadership wrong because your peers and coworkers are observing, learning, and following.
Leadership is influence.
Influential leaders know and practice these six principles:
Purpose Sustains Passion
If you are confident in why you are driven to pursue your calling, your passion will inspire and compel you to achieve it.
Purpose is the foundation for a mission-driven life.
Your passion will inspire you to achieve great things, but it’s purpose that sustains you when your passion fades.
Character is the Foundation of Influence
You can’t fake character. Without character, you may be able to create a positive perception for a while; eventually, those around you will see through the facade.
Your true character is revealed through your words and actions, and people are always watching and listening.
Your character reveals what matters most to you. Your deeply-held beliefs are non-negotiable, the values that flow from them will determine how you treat others.
Words Matter; Words Inspire
Guard your tongue because what you say and how you say it reveals your character.
Words help leaders cast a vision for the promise of the future. Words give life to ideas.
The impact of leadership is amplified by words that inspire. People want a cause to believe in and a leader to follow.
Choose your words well, and they will motivate people to follow.
Relationships Mirror Influence
Your relational network is like a mirror. You’ll see yourself reflected, without bias, in the character and lives of those you surround yourself with.
Relational bridges are easy to burn and expensive to replace. These begin with your parents and their relational networks and then move on to your personal network.
The next impression you make on an individual is only as good as the last impression you made.
Focus Powers Passion
If you don’t know how to stay focused (intent, effort, and perseverance applied over time), you must learn now. There’s no room or regard for a lack of motivation or focus. Your family, friends, peers, and colleagues are watching.
Have a realistic perspective on what “focus” really means. Focus is the ruthless elimination of distractions.
Focus is the ruthless elimination of distractions.
Mentors Make You a Better Leader
Seek out a mentor with 10 to 15 years of experience more than you have to guide you. You won’t get the same depth of wisdom or experience from peers your own age who haven’t experienced enough of life yet.
Have a dead mentor, as Albert Mohler recommends. A dead mentor teaches you from their legacy — beyond the grace — through their life story, writings, biography, and impact.
A mentor may be closer than you think. If you’re a young woman who needs a mentor, find one at The Aspire Foundation. If you’re a young man, try
Always seek a mentor whose wisdom and life are grounded in a relationship with Christ and understanding the Bible.
Influence for a Lifetime
The people you meet today form the relationships that will make a difference in your life tomorrow and beyond. What you learn today prepares you for the challenges and problems you will face tomorrow.
Time increases wisdom (if you’re listening, learning, and observing); time adds to the depth and network of relationships.
The opportunities you have now will be dramatically different than those that a combination of time and relationships will present later in life. The key is for you to prepare yourself today for future opportunities and be prepared now for the opportunities that you encounter today.
Listen. Learn. Observe. Focus. Put these things into practice now, and you’ll be prepared to lead for a lifetime.
Thanks for reading. Written with love for the saints who pursue God’s purpose and plan through life, work, and worship.